Thursday, July 14, 2005

hot not hot

Collectives – that produce magazines, music, art, chaos, new environments. If they have housing, interesting ways they live, cost,

Reno, Nevada Police – prostitution, drugs, gambling, reno 911 = good story

Gyrocopters – interview gyrocopter enthusiasts. How they got into it? Piloting. These people seem like they would be eccentric, fun, neat.

Ted Turner – Has bought enough private land to go from new mexico to montana without steping off his property. Does he have any single daughters?

Hammocks - if you carry one of these around you will be able to find somewhere to sleep

Will Smith - Americas most non threatening black man. Smarter than most

Crop circles - im going to make some of these. i think some are naturall occuring though. im looking in to this

Dark horse - this is a good fantasy sports team name

Edward Abbey - when i start working as an archaeologist im going to start a band of rebel rousers like his

At Night - Good places to go:
Hotel lobbys

Jungle ruins - thinking about southern mexico, guatemala here

Sierra Computer Games - loderunner, mini golf, others? Nightmare cental.

Tatoo ideas - i drew on myself with permanent marker when i lived in a room the size of a closet.

Pool Houses - often frequented by people like Cato Kaline, i could do this

Basements - ive lost my academic killer instinct

Vietnamese food - so real

Greece vs. Rome - the subject of a good debate

Monday, July 11, 2005

Lady Sovereign meet MC Tyranny

Four annoying things


The syndicated television show Cops has been among the most popular American shows in Europe. These guys are brutal. I drove to Florida twice one summer and was hassled no less than 5 times. What is wrong with sleeping on the beach at night?

Snakes that swim in water

If I am in a body of water, I don’t want to see any snakes. Get away from me, seriously.

Rupert Murdoch

I’ll admit to watching Family Guy and The Simpsons a six or seven Sunday Nights a year, but Fox News is an unbearable tool on the devious opiate of the small screen. Bill O’Reilly!!!, need I say anymore?
This guy owns too many things in too many countries. Stay in Australia you neo-Fascist Corporate Philosopher King. Ayn Rand can suck it.

Credit Cards

You mean I can get one of these things with my favorite NFL team logo, freakin’ sweet.

Three newish ideas

Pebble Bed Nuclear Technology

I’m no nuclear physicist, but I don’t think nuclear power is going away soon. China and European Nations are working on power plants featuring this supposedly safer way to split atoms, America will likely follow.
Solar and wind power will not prove a rich enough supply for our energy crazed lives.

Moon or Mars Colonies / Space Weapons

Most people alive in the sixties probably thought we would have these in place already. Turns out we’ve been depleting our natural resources and polluting our non renewable air and water supply instead. The rate things are going we may have to immigrate out into space to avoid global and human destruction.
Again, the Chinese will be featured prominently in opposition to the U.S. in the 21st century space race.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again: NO WEAPONS IN OUTER SPACE

The end of Nations?

Unfortunately I do not see this happening.