hot not hot
Collectives – that produce magazines, music, art, chaos, new environments. If they have housing, interesting ways they live, cost,
Reno, Nevada Police – prostitution, drugs, gambling, reno 911 = good story
Gyrocopters – interview gyrocopter enthusiasts. How they got into it? Piloting. These people seem like they would be eccentric, fun, neat.
Ted Turner – Has bought enough private land to go from new mexico to montana without steping off his property. Does he have any single daughters?
Hammocks - if you carry one of these around you will be able to find somewhere to sleep
Will Smith - Americas most non threatening black man. Smarter than most
Crop circles - im going to make some of these. i think some are naturall occuring though. im looking in to this
Dark horse - this is a good fantasy sports team name
Edward Abbey - when i start working as an archaeologist im going to start a band of rebel rousers like his
At Night - Good places to go:
Hotel lobbys
Jungle ruins - thinking about southern mexico, guatemala here
Sierra Computer Games - loderunner, mini golf, others? Nightmare cental.
Tatoo ideas - i drew on myself with permanent marker when i lived in a room the size of a closet.
Pool Houses - often frequented by people like Cato Kaline, i could do this
Basements - ive lost my academic killer instinct
Vietnamese food - so real
Greece vs. Rome - the subject of a good debate
Reno, Nevada Police – prostitution, drugs, gambling, reno 911 = good story
Gyrocopters – interview gyrocopter enthusiasts. How they got into it? Piloting. These people seem like they would be eccentric, fun, neat.
Ted Turner – Has bought enough private land to go from new mexico to montana without steping off his property. Does he have any single daughters?
Hammocks - if you carry one of these around you will be able to find somewhere to sleep
Will Smith - Americas most non threatening black man. Smarter than most
Crop circles - im going to make some of these. i think some are naturall occuring though. im looking in to this
Dark horse - this is a good fantasy sports team name
Edward Abbey - when i start working as an archaeologist im going to start a band of rebel rousers like his
At Night - Good places to go:
Hotel lobbys
Jungle ruins - thinking about southern mexico, guatemala here
Sierra Computer Games - loderunner, mini golf, others? Nightmare cental.
Tatoo ideas - i drew on myself with permanent marker when i lived in a room the size of a closet.
Pool Houses - often frequented by people like Cato Kaline, i could do this
Basements - ive lost my academic killer instinct
Vietnamese food - so real
Greece vs. Rome - the subject of a good debate
Crop circles - I saw a teevee show where non-alien humans made some. They tied 2x4s or something to ropes and walked on them in circles.
Dark horse - ...Comics?
At Night - Good places to go:
Hotel lobbies
abandoned music buildings on campuses
tops of hills
Sierra Computer Games - TSN: The Sierra Network. You were online with other people in a role-playing game trying to get through a volcano. That was awesome. Also a card game, King's Quest? and some other medieval role-playing game hmm...
Vietnamese food - so full of cilantro. vomit.
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