Wednesday, August 02, 2006

perpeciuous confinment

damn sons i am spent. i have no money i do have some u.s. eriod savigns bond.proababley a hungey aor so. fucknig a i am closintg my else now and dont give a fuck i am druknds ands shith athsi ais becasue i am niethache or somehtinghtsn. blaahhhhhh imporntanced and warr war ea wars awar wars war war aman war blachalbalch blach blach balch colbert colbert war war what i sit good for.drinki tis iman idrnki ti uppu upu upu upu pu pupu p.what isd up sus sus you sus dams saon sthat is collllllll. fuck you ducker illlllllllll will fuschyou upu i fuck you eup. drive aboda adobe adobe adobe adove adob e adoabee aobve adobe adobe adobe adobe adboe ad b0oe. what realyyy hoooooood. bitrhc pendehosucker fucker son of a bitce abj brian cells losing sare dgone in the fworld world world sowld gone gone gone world gone dirnk dirinkn drink son drinks son drinkg.. gos waya i need alnd landl land land land landl landa lndalnldlandn lnad landa lanaldnlandlanldnalalndlqn. impokjntja asdnmand maven mavne solipsims msolipsims spin spin spin spin spin spin s snow snow snown glasss glass s dleldte dleldldte deletete deletedelette kerouac dfusucks ass asd gb0o boo boob booob bbooob boo bbooo bbooo boo bbooo boo boo bboo . go to mars boo go to wars waay kson son. fuck you pendejo mexico is god mecioox o is awesome fudes that is hte speace bar bar sapce bored bored fmnoey money money monye land land land money land money land money land pieg pig pig lamb pib pig lamdb you a wangster bithc w a wangster.


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