Friday, January 20, 2006

On collecting, insult comedy and Joey Greco

Hey whats up its the internet. i know this because im on the internet.

maybe this post should be directed at recent college graduates who have decided, "oh, im very successful, im going to go to south america and have an adventure." Look assholes, you dont know how to adventure. it is a fine art. a delicate blend of time managament, preternatural saavy and instinct. you need the money. yeah thats true. im not talking nuevo riche money. so when youve fucked your 4th or 5th girl downthere, youre thinking, im doing something right. talk to me when you hit double digits, or can walk in to a club or restaurant and everyone knows your gringo po dunk name, all the girls get nervous around you and dudes are giving you lots of free drugs. yeah, youll probably hangout with some artistic french girls who are romantic as hell and are so fucking cute you could die, but fuck it, if youre on the subway system in a captial city with like 3 french girls and 2 dutch girls, just fucking get off a stop or two early with out saying good bye, and go get a 40 and watch some nba in an un airconditioned dive. that or go to hooters and pay overpriced prices for crap american barfare and talk to the hooters girls. better yet, go over to a cafe con piernas and grind with some toothless sluts.

maybe your idea of a good time or "adventure" is going to a museum and hanging out like 19th century german philologists, though it probably isnt. if it was i would probably tell you where to go in La Paz, Bolivia go fraternize with labor and government officials. no you go to the streets. not because your sluming it. but because you think its cool to act all poor and eat at the disease infested mercados. you proabably wont even go to bolivia because the new president is socialist and wears fucking leather jackets instead of dark or black suits. how cool is that guy by the way? he is the fucking man. you shouldnt stop at el alto either because your shit will get mugged. no doubt.

Even still you probably wont go to RIO!!!!!! definitely not, this being the best time of year to go there. no youll hang out with some young british couple on a nasty month long paid vacation because you are sick of running into american D bags and follow them around argentina. maybe youll go bungee jumping.

maybe youll befriend some Colombians, but you definitly wont go there. try to hang out with some fucking israelis, those guys are harder than any poor rural guerilla drug mob. oh and stay out of the pacific ocean. thats my fucking ocean.

i bet you dont even know how many knife hits joey greco took or who the fuck joey greco is. look, i know who it is. you may know how many knife hits he took but you dont know his fucking story. like where did joey greco grow up? did he have any brothers and sisters? who really is joey greco?

allright, we set there? you follow? now get your ass out of the united states before theres a draft suckus.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

part II - pictures of computer screens

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The CEO and Operating President

Sometimes I like to engage in Instant Message conversations with people i know. sometimes they bring it, most times, they do not.

Upon such IM happenings today, my internet friend Reignman14 brought some game to the screen, I think this was pretty close to B+/A- game for my friend. i probably wouldnt grade myself as high. because i didnt make any jokes about jews.

Reignman14 (8:16:23 PM): so how's it popping? So far I've made about 550 bucks for sitting around and listening to other people talk on the phone
Reignman14 (8:16:37 PM): i should do something tonight but i don't know what. I did buy some much-needed pants
cgmca711 (8:16:50 PM): ass hole
Reignman14 (8:17:13 PM): eventually i'll need to start talking on the phone which will probably be eventually a little duller
Reignman14 (8:17:28 PM): too bad all the people in my office are male or ugly i could go for some office romance
cgmca711 (8:17:42 PM): wells fargo man, thats a sweet company, seriously
Reignman14 (8:17:51 PM): i read an article today about how e-mailing old flames just immediately leads to affairs
Reignman14 (8:18:06 PM): well i don't work for them yet...i still work for the temp agency
Reignman14 (8:18:19 PM): the other people in my office are pretty depressing. Not old, but definitely not doing anything with their lives
Reignman14 (8:18:30 PM): oh shit i gotta look for open mic stand up comedy places
cgmca711 (8:18:54 PM): yeah you do
Reignman14 (8:19:08 PM): i should get a guardian or something
cgmca711 (8:19:30 PM): i really need an mba
Reignman14 (8:19:34 PM): i'm not ure this joke will go over...
Reignman14 (8:19:35 PM): Back in the old days, first born children were valuable. Someone could offer you valuable shit, for the price of your first born kid, and you'd take it. Now they got adoption.
Reignman14 (8:20:08 PM): i don't know i mean MBA is definitely a sweet gig but you're definitely setting your life path as "sell out for the man"
cgmca711 (8:20:22 PM): definitely comedy central presents level
Reignman14 (8:20:42 PM): good enough my friend
Reignman14 (8:20:51 PM): i've been to comedy open mics they're painful
cgmca711 (8:21:07 PM): ocean lounge!
Reignman14 (8:21:15 PM): oh yeah
Reignman14 (8:21:33 PM): also i'm gonna go with some brain humor
Reignman14 (8:21:34 PM): When guys get drunk, they nail fat chicks. And when girls get drunk, they nail sleazy guys. And sleazy girls get nailed anyhow. The whole system doesn't seem fair to fat guys.
cgmca711 (8:22:24 PM): all these jobs are about software and technology, what i want to know is who is about plundering gold and buying land
cgmca711 (8:23:23 PM): this is why i need to start my own vc company
cgmca711 (8:23:49 PM): thats a keeper
Reignman14 (8:23:52 PM): vc?
cgmca711 (8:24:02 PM): venture capital
Reignman14 (8:24:19 PM): then there's the jokes I can't tell until I get a lot more physically intimidating
Reignman14 (8:24:20 PM): You know what's crazy? You look at these motorized wheelchairs…you know, they go faster than people can walk now! That doesn't seem right. It's like…you're in a wheelchair…you've been punished. You don't get to swing this into an advantage. I mean, they've already got that parking spot scam going.
Reignman14 (8:24:37 PM): you should get into cartography
Reignman14 (8:24:42 PM): that's the wave of the future
Reignman14 (8:25:06 PM): I recently saw something on TV that says 70 percent of people who have herpes, got it when their partner had no symptoms. And I guess that's an interesting stat to get people to use condoms, but I see that number differently…the way I see that, it says that 30% of people with herpes were just doin somebody with herpes! Just think…there are people out there with herpes who got it because they liked the taste. ALTERNATE PUNCHLINE: There are people out there who got herpes because they thought it was a hot look.
cgmca711 (8:25:09 PM): i actually love maps more than people
Reignman14 (8:25:11 PM): that one's the all-star
Reignman14 (8:25:22 PM): my love of cartography was so ahead of the game
Reignman14 (8:25:26 PM): way more fresh than any nikes
Reignman14 (8:26:27 PM): they do interesting stuff with maps, too. you gotta have a good idea to map
Reignman14 (8:26:39 PM): sweet my seinfeld dvd's are showing up in netflix now
cgmca711 (8:27:03 PM): id want a map of all the swimable hot springs in the western u.s.
Reignman14 (8:27:40 PM): you'd have to add what level of nudity was acceptabe
Reignman14 (8:28:26 PM): today i went to the bathroom 11 times during work
Reignman14 (8:28:31 PM): because all i do is sit there and drink tea
cgmca711 (8:29:06 PM): theres nothing like getting paid to shit
Reignman14 (8:29:34 PM): true but only two of those were shits most were light urinations
cgmca711 (8:30:56 PM): have you seen the new mtv dating show, my own
Reignman14 (8:30:57 PM): it sucks that I need to burn the commentary tracks so the seinfeld's burn pretty shitty, only like 61% integrity
Reignman14 (8:31:04 PM): you only notice if you're whiny though
Reignman14 (8:31:19 PM): only part of a couple episodes it seems weird
Reignman14 (8:31:31 PM): would you care to take a stand either for or against the programs?
cgmca711 (8:32:06 PM): i back mtvs dating programs fully
cgmca711 (8:32:25 PM): next is obvioulsy the best am i wrong
cgmca711 (8:32:48 PM): though room raiders has been in texas recently
cgmca711 (8:33:04 PM): i should go on elimidate this year
Reignman14 (8:35:12 PM): yeah someone needs to spice up elimidate
Reignman14 (8:35:16 PM): i feel like it's been lagging recently
Reignman14 (8:35:23 PM): there's almost never anyone hot on it
Reignman14 (8:35:50 PM): Also, while I'd hate to be the main person on elimidate, I'd like to be the main person on Next
Reignman14 (8:36:05 PM): oh man season 5 seinfeld there are some great episodes here
Reignman14 (8:36:18 PM): my roommate is a freelance painter
Reignman14 (8:36:29 PM): seems like he makes decent money
Reignman14 (8:36:42 PM): but i thought the whole thing would excite your painter roots
Reignman14 (8:36:52 PM): you did put in four or five tough days, right?
cgmca711 (8:37:22 PM): at work? i stacked and reorganized two large stock rooms
cgmca711 (8:37:26 PM): so yes
Reignman14 (8:37:42 PM): i mean as a painter...weren't you in the field?
cgmca711 (8:37:47 PM): oh right
Reignman14 (8:37:59 PM): what are you doing now? Stockroom still?
cgmca711 (8:38:02 PM): more like 4 weeks
cgmca711 (8:38:04 PM): dude
cgmca711 (8:38:14 PM): i quit
cgmca711 (8:39:12 PM): the only thing i did today was go to barnes and noble to look at the scarface special edition box
Reignman14 (8:39:26 PM): and imagine it was good to hide drugs in?
cgmca711 (8:39:42 PM): yeah, its really great
cgmca711 (8:39:51 PM): fake crocidile black exterior
Reignman14 (8:39:59 PM): oh i's not just a normal dvd box?
cgmca711 (8:40:02 PM): with TM initials monagramed
cgmca711 (8:40:36 PM): its the size of two shoe boxes
cgmca711 (8:40:44 PM): and has red velvet inside
cgmca711 (8:40:58 PM): for about 60 bucks
Reignman14 (8:41:05 PM): hmm
Reignman14 (8:41:17 PM): that's pretty pricy
cgmca711 (8:41:18 PM): the salespeople said theyve had it since the store opened
Reignman14 (8:41:31 PM): haha
cgmca711 (8:41:42 PM): but if i were ever featured on cribs
cgmca711 (8:41:54 PM): serious street cred
Reignman14 (8:42:01 PM): oh yeah totally
Reignman14 (8:43:22 PM): uh oh i took a climb up my friend's myspace list i'm number 2 now i don't know if i want to be in number 2 position here...
Reignman14 (8:43:29 PM): is your dad in iraq now?
cgmca711 (8:43:56 PM): yeah i think hes done there in march
cgmca711 (8:47:02 PM): i think i could probably work for the fbi or cia or something,
Reignman14 (8:47:48 PM): yeah those jobs seemed sick...but i'm pretty sure competition is nasty for em
cgmca711 (8:48:11 PM): my friend got pretty far along in the interview process
Reignman14 (8:48:29 PM): cool..for what?
cgmca711 (8:48:43 PM): spy
cgmca711 (8:49:27 PM): trying to trick people into turning themselves into the government
cgmca711 (8:49:39 PM): killing
cgmca711 (8:49:46 PM): the usual
Reignman14 (8:49:46 PM): nice
Reignman14 (8:50:06 PM): holfd on now that i live in the city let me see what the skanky from my high school are up to
cgmca711 (8:50:38 PM): id actually rather be a argentinian or venezualan or bolivian operative
cgmca711 (8:51:01 PM): that could get dangerous pretty fast id imagine
Reignman14 (8:51:01 PM): katie said argentina was the home for all the hotties
cgmca711 (8:51:37 PM): brazil is maybe better, maybe
cgmca711 (8:52:00 PM): brazil spends the more money than people in the u.s. on cosmetic surgery
cgmca711 (8:52:10 PM): its out of control
Reignman14 (8:52:21 PM): yeah don't they fucking do it in hella shady ass underground places?
Reignman14 (8:52:27 PM): that's what I like tohear
Reignman14 (8:52:32 PM): oh dude remember alison's friend stacy?
cgmca711 (8:52:58 PM): name is familiar, i probably know her
Reignman14 (8:53:07 PM): duuuuuude she's like in the baaaag
cgmca711 (8:53:40 PM): im guessing that isnt slang for bagdhad
Reignman14 (8:54:01 PM): nope
cgmca711 (8:54:04 PM): explain
Reignman14 (8:54:07 PM): hear the war against starbucks has begun?
Reignman14 (8:54:23 PM): oh i randomly ran into her and, let's just say, my masculine charm has seemingly won her over
cgmca711 (8:54:58 PM): hmm ill have to look her up on facebook
Reignman14 (8:55:18 PM): she's a myspace friend of mine
cgmca711 (8:58:49 PM): did she ever live in south davis, tanglewood maybe
Reignman14 (8:59:13 PM): she lived way out in east davis for a while
Reignman14 (8:59:17 PM): she was only around a few times
Reignman14 (8:59:20 PM): she's like a legit 6
Reignman14 (8:59:42 PM): looking through this i realize i had a lot of ugly girls in my school
Reignman14 (8:59:47 PM): aren't rich girls supposed to be sorta hot?
cgmca711 (9:00:03 PM): depends
Reignman14 (9:00:21 PM): what do they have to worry about other than getting too fat?
cgmca711 (9:00:51 PM): yeah, but some of these old money families dont mix races very well
cgmca711 (9:01:11 PM): sort of like european royalty, except nothing like it at all
cgmca711 (9:01:24 PM): but overall yes rich girls should be hot
Reignman14 (9:01:43 PM): right i mean i'm not expecting much but please dome on now
Reignman14 (9:02:36 PM): oh weird one of my friends in high school got hella fat
Reignman14 (9:02:42 PM): he was on the bball team and shit
Reignman14 (9:03:25 PM): i guess when you're going for a PhD in civil and electrical engineering you think about other things
Reignman14 signed off at 9:11:21 PM.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

MC Tyranny General Info


Band Members: West Salvia, McNeill, Forrest, Chris T. Ofer
Influences: lil flip, stone roses, jay z, ODB, jack kerouac, camron, smoking, mitch hedberg, the internet, south america, canada, london, lady sovereign, blink 182, Davis circa 2003, disc golf, sky trams, mushrooms, sxsw, dana point, crawfish ettouffee, baked potatoes, street dogs, Houston, LA, night, snl, concrete, plastic, roaches, house parties, term papers, glass elevators, golf, rum, hookers, duces wild poker, aluminum can pipes, la paz bolivia, baseball, fox news, blogs, filming things like tv shows with people, van halen, bodyboarding, pro bowl, sushi, tampico, caves, nevada, yosemite, wendys
Sounds Like: florida, venture capitalism, sports betting, hash, losing weed, sun ra meets giganticism meets big lebowski meets great pyramids meets softball,