Wednesday, September 21, 2005

in the shit

have you bought a bill joel album before. i HAD two. i guess i strategically lost them somehow. i wish i still had Storm Front on tape like i once did. it was probably the 3rd or 4th album i ever owned. anyway the point is, billy joel is funny.

I stayed the night in Van Horn Texas two nights ago. the dallas cowboys game was on the radio and the moon was between full and half. You should go west. the rebels go west.

i need to go buy more gas before prices get to 4 dollars a gallon and the economy goes into a complete recession. can this happen? is europe economy all that good. whats going on with the chinese currency. india? russia?

i easily consume a 64 oz of Fruit Punch Gatorade a day. i should buy gatorade stock.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


fuck this Roberts dude. Chief Justice?? is this really going to happen. fucking A i hope not.

what else is new. internet is up in arms about racism and poor people. great. im ecstatic. only a month from now no one will give a shit again.

i thought about selling my 94 Accord which gets like 38 mpg on highway. taking the money and investing it somehow and getting really rich. ill proabably be in h town in 2 weeks after a little downtime in L.A. still thinking about living in portland because its cheap and is close to snow and mountains. 2 things that dont exist in texas. maybe some of my texas oil friends can hook me up with a financial job or at least make me some money. this dude matt little owns a house already. his family is from mississippi. i respect his father.

taking sleeping pills is awesome. like beards. i might have to shave to look less suspicious around davis so people think im new again.

i should look for winter internships i think the deadline is 10/1/05. i want to work at letterman. i had a list, ill have to find it. up date resume. write more things. word

Friday, September 02, 2005

fun francis and the last rafael

greetings from the imageland im your cordial host. ive aquired some bug bites from the grass hill that hopefully won't have west nile. thats not all. theres some more from the girl wearing pink. she woke me up. still 45 min to catch the lunch specials in chinaland.

any good movies to go to? wheres the house party? ill find out.